Ammiel Alcalay and Ella Shohat
Memories and Visions
with a special musical prelude by Gérard Edery
A literary salon and fundraiser was held in support of Mizrahi/Sephardi Jewish culture and arts in New York on Wednesday, December 8, 1999, at 7:30 pm.
Ammiel Alcalay read from his new collection of essays, Memories of Our Future.
Ella Shohat discuss her new edited volume Talking Visions: Multicultural Feminism in a Transnational Age.
Gérard Edery performed a selection of Sephardic and North African/Middle Eastern music.
This evening is designed to raise funds for Ivri-NASAWI's New York programming of Sephardi/Mizrahi cultures and arts in 2000.To continue to support us, please consider making a donation:
Friends of these cultures ~ suggested minimum contribution $100-5,000 Students/low income $18-36To find out more about how you can participate in supporting a New York infrastructure for the promotion of Mizrahi and Sephardi cultures, please contact Joyce Allegra Maio at 212.362.9074, or Jordan Elgrably at 323.650.3157.
Our Special Guests:
Memories of Our Future: Selected Essays 1982-1999 by Ammiel Alcalay
This new volume of essays by the author of "After Jews and Arabs" and "Keys to the Garden" is guaranteed to fascinate-and ruffle a few establishment feathers. Alcalay addresses Arab/Hebrew poetics, Bosnia, the cultural identity of Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews and other topics in a multicultural age. City Lights, paper, $17.95.
Talking Visions, Multicultural Feminism in a Transnational Age, edited by Ella Shohat
This beautiful publication of the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York and MIT brings together a stunning array of essays and visuals commenting on art, culture, and identity. Professor of Women's Studies and Cultural Studies at CUNY-in addition to being a Mizrahi activist, film critic and internationally-known lecturer Ella Shohat has edited a powerful collection. MIT, hardcover, $50.
Gérard Edery
A versatile, powerful vocalist and guitarist, Gérard Edery was born in Casablanca, Morocco and has lived in Canada and the United States. Edery has performed widely with his own ensemble and with the group Sons of Sefarad. He has a number of exciting collaborations ahead, including developing a new work with fellow composer/librettist Noa Ain, called Song of the Turtledove, which was accepted by the National Music Theater Conference at the Eugene O'Neill Theater Center. Edery has also composed songs for an important human rights play, Oigo, which will be performed off-Broadway from Feb. 23-April 9, 2000. For more information on Gerard Edery's programs and recordings, visit
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