SMR: The Sephardi/Mizrahi Review is a new quarterly publication, online
and print editions, launching in 2002/2003.

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SMR: The Sephardi/Mizrahi Review is a proposed quarterly journal to be
sponsored by the New Association of Sephardi/Mizrahi Artists & Writers
International (, providing
we can prove that there is a genuine interest in, and support available
for, such a publication.
SMR proposes to focuse on the art, culture and oral history of the Spanish/Portuguese
Jews and their descendants, and Jews of the Middle East/West Asia. SMR
includes creative non-fiction, fiction, poetry, art and lifestyle articles,
devoted to exploring both contemporary life and traditional cultures of
the Sephardim/Mizrahim.
SMR seeks essays, articles, interviews, reviews, short fiction, poetry,
art, photography, music and video for use in its online version, accessible
and downloadable in PDF format and printable for all subscribers. A print-only
version will go to member/subscribers of the association.
will be funded in part by private foundations, and plans to accept additional
sponsorship through grants, appropriate corporate donors, and organizational
charitable contributions.
For Writers Guidelines and all other questions, write to .